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In addition to supporting artists, 7artscafe prides itself on preserving the past and promoting Yokohama’s distinctive history. Its choice location in the heart of downtown Yokohama is nestled between the trendy artists enclaves of Koganecho and Isezakicho, Yokohama’s oldest shopping district. In fact, the Beat writer William S. Burroughs was said to frequent this area in the 1960’s. Steps away from the banks of beautiful sakura-lined Ooka river, 7artscafe occupies the first floor of Okonogi #2 Building, a Yokohama historical landmark built in 1955 by one of Yokohama’s first industrialist Meiji families. 7artscafe’s trademark logo, eco-friendly products and interior design are all inspired by Japanese traditional colors and aesthetics.

a sign on the side of a building

a store in a brick building

a sign on the side of a building

a young girl standing in front of a building

Summer 2024 Business Hours 
(July 1 - September 30, 2024)

Tuesday through Friday: 10:00am -17:00pm
Brunch: 10:00am - 11:30am
Lunch: 11:30am - 14:30pm
Afternoon Tea: 14:30pm - 17:00pm (Last Order 16:30pm)

Saturday and Sunday: 8:00am - 17:00pm
Breakfast: 8:00am - 11:00am
Lunch: 11:30am - 14:30pm
Afternoon Tea: 14:30pm - 17:00pm (Last Order 16:30pm)

Closed (定休日): Mondays and 2nd/4th Tuesdays of each month

Yokohama, Naka-ku, Sueyoshicho 1-3,
Okonogi Bldg #2, First Floor 231-0055


7artscafe occupies the first floor of Okonogi #2 Building, a Yokohama historical landmark built in 1955 by one of Yokohama’s first industrialist Meiji families. We are steps away from the banks of beautiful sakura-lined Ooka river, a four minute walk from Hinodecho Station (日ノ出町駅) - Keikyu Main Line, an eight minute walk from Kannai Station (関内駅) - Negishi Line and a ten minute walk from Sakuragicho Station (桜木町駅) - Negishi and Yokohama Lines.